Friday, August 24, 2012

speedLinux 3133 - Customized CoLinux

SpeedLinux is a customized coLinux. coLinux is not a VM but it can be used in the same way. Installation of Speedlinux results in a complete LINUX System with X server running side on side with Windows on a single PC.

Beginning with Version 3001, Speedlinux comes now with the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin Developer (Alpha devel) for download via installer. Downloading one of the different compressed Ubuntu versions ( 9,04, 11.10 or 12.04 ) is optional. Updating is easy.https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule

Speedlinux also installs Xming and PuTTY

Only SVN download contain: * Speed-to-fritz Script. * Script to start Freetz. * The Script to build installer.

Downloadlink for images: http://sourceforge.net/projects/speedlinux/

Attention! Usable only on Windows Systems with XP/Vista/7 32bit

More details are fond on the project homepage.
speedLinux Web Site

  • Installation is done as a windows progam. Download and installation in 10 minuts
  • 3133 Is with colinux devel-20120129 r-1590
  • Use version 3131 if download via proxy
  • 3130 Option to switch between DHCP or static IP settings on eth0, added
  • 3120 Add radiobutton to select console key layout, fix menu remove, fixed unistall
  • 3115 Changed IP settings, WLAN can be used for Internet now
  • 3113 Is updateed with smaler size images, 3114 fix typing
  • 3100 Coms with a aditional download link to a smal 95MB oneiric image
  • 3045 Mount samba added, Launcher can also be used again
  • 3044 Mounting is very eays now. Sound is enabeld by default again
  • 3042 Some minor improvments, more images added. Ubuntu Precise Alpha1
  • 3009 coLinux devel-0.7.10-20110807 with Ubuntu 12.04 complete installation
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 1445 coLinux devel-0.7.10-20110606
  • Now with kernel
  • Download script for speed-to-fritz included
  • Download script for freetz included
  • FTKL Console: more fonts, scrollback - copy & paste
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Beginnig with 1445 kernel is in use coLinux version is now 0.7.10

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