Thursday, December 6, 2012

routerdefense - Cisco IOS configuration security assessment tool

Router Defense deep dives into Cisco routers and switches configuration and do security recommandations. It gives the opportunity to audit network devices in a quick, efficient way and actionable practices.

The author created this tool because he was frustrated of never seeing a network device with simple security best practices applied in the wild.

The tool has been released at the BRUCON 2010 conference. Last update: 21th january 2012
Include 140 tests.

Download -

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=[ Cisco IOS security assessment tool=[ http://code.google.com/p/routerdefense
=[ version 2012.1

=[ Generic information

    => Hostname: ROUTERLAB
    => IOS version: 12.2
    => Switching: Unknown
    => Multicast: Disabled
    => QoS: Disabled
    => IPv6: Disabled
    => IPSEC VPN: Disabled
=[ summary ]=
Management Plane

CDP: 1/1
LLDP: 1/1
Console port: 2/2
Aux port: 4/4
Vty lines: 3/5
MOTD banner: 1/2
LOGIN banner: 0/2
EXEC banner: 1/2
IOS TCP/UDP services: 12/15
CPU/Memory: 9/9
Exceptions/crashes: 1/1
Passwords and authentication management: 0/4
Management protection: 6/7
Tacacs+ servers redundancy: 1/1
Tacacs+ authentication: 1/3
Tacacs+ authorization: 4/5
Tacacs+ accounting: 4/5
SNMP: 3/9
Syslog: 7/9
Configuration Replace/Rollback: 3/5
Control Plane
ICMPv4 unreachable: 1/1
ARP proxy: 1/1
NTP: 1/1
TCP: 1/1
BGP: 0/6
EIGRP: 0/4
RIP: 0/1
OSPF: 4/5
GLBP: 0/1
HSRP: 0/1
VRRP: 0/1
TCLSH shell scripting: 1/1
Data Plane
ICMPv4 redirects: 1/1
IPv4 Options: 1/1
IPv4 source route: 1/1
ICMP deny any any: 1/1
IPv4 fragments: 1/1
Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (IPv4): 1/1
Netflow: 1/1
Port Security: 3/5
Level 2: 4/9

Source -


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