- Skype (VideoChat Application)
- TeamViewer (Remote Desktop Support)
- Ark (Zip/Rar Manager)
- Zip/Unzip & Rar/Unrar
- Audacious (Semi-lightweight audio player with a WinAmp/XMMS-like skinnable GUI)
- Amarok (KDE audio player offering a wealth of features, yet intuitive to use)
- Banshee (Music management and playback software for GNOME)
- Sonata (Lightweight GTK+ music client)
- Audacity (Digital audio editor)
- Ardour (Digital audio workstation program)
- Sweep (Audio editor and live playback tool)
- xChat (IRC Chat Program)
- FileZilla (An extremely popular cross-platform client)
- gFTP (Multithreaded client providing both a command-line interface and GUI)
- KFTPgrabber (Client for KDE)
- Pinta (Microsoft's Paint like program)
- GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)
- Inkscape (Vector-based drawing program)
- GEdit (Small and lightweight text editor for the GNOME environment)
- Geany (Small and lightweight Integrated Development Environment (IDE))
- Emacs (Extensible, customizable, self-documenting text editor)
- Joe (Terminal-based text editor for Unix systems)
- Vim (Power of the editor 'Vi', with a more complete feature set)
- gVim (Highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing)
- Nano (Clone of Pico, the editor of the Pine email client)
- Leafpad (GTK+ based simple text editor)
- Netool.sh (Security PenTesting tool by r00t-3xpl0it)
- Flash Plugin (Updates Adobe Flash Player for Iceweasel)
- Chrome (Popular Google's internet browser)
- Chromium (Chrome clone to Linux systems)
- Iceweasel (Updates Iceweasel to latest version)
- Also gets updates with "apt-get update" and cleans packages on exit.
Thank you very much for sharing. :)