Monday, September 2, 2013

Kippo-Graph 0.8 (BruCON edition) released

This is yet another release of Kippo-Graph, reaching version 0.8.
In this version, I have converted the functional code into object-oriented, in an effort to slowly move towards a complete rewrite of Kippo-Graph using an MVC framework or something similar, (hopefully) in the near future. Also, four additional IP reputation services were added in Kippo-Geo and some CSS fixes took care of various annoying bugs mostly concerning the tables in Kippo-Input.
As a side note, this is deemed as the "BruCON edition" of Kippo-Graph. For those of you that haven't heard the news, I will be presenting an introductory workshop on honeypots at BruCON 2013 in Belgium near the end of this month. A post on this subject will be published today ortomorrow. So, I thought it would be a good reason to update Kippo-Graph as well :)
You can download the new version from here: kippo-graph-0.8, or clone/pull from Kippo-Graph's git repository hosted on GitHub:https://github.com/ikoniaris/kippo-graph.
here are the checksums for the tar file:
MD5 Checksum: 494AE481E49E7493712FD89B6D748CBF
SHA-1 Checksum: 56ED56B73B26CF099CDC392DE2A0A3F829C2B064
Version 0.8:
+ Changed code to OOP style.
+ Added FortiGuard, AlientVault, WatchGuard and McAfee IP scanning services (Kippo-Geo).
+ Various CSS-related fixes for tables and cross-browser compatibility.
For comments, suggestions, fixes, please use the Kippo-Graph page:http://bruteforce.gr/kippo-graph