Friday, November 30, 2012

Whonix 0.4.5 - anonymous operating system

Whonix (called TorBOX or aos in past) is an anonymous general purpose operating system based on Virtual Box, Debian GNU/Linux and Tor. By Whonix design, IP and DNS leaks are impossible. Not even malware with root rights can find out the user's real IP/location.

This is because Whonix consists of two (virtual) machines. One machine solely runs Tor and acts as a gateway, which we call Whonix-Gateway. The other machine, which we call Whonix-Workstation, is on a completely isolated network. Only connections through Tor are possible.

Whonix is produced independently from the Tor (r) anonymity software and carries no guarantee from The Tor Project about quality, suitability or anything else. Due to trademark issues the project was renamed to Whonix.

The project homepage with a full project description, threat model and documentation, build instructions can be found here: http://whonix.sf.net


  • Adobe Flash anonymously
  • browse the web anonymously
  • Anonymous IRC
  • Anonymous Publishing
  • Anonymous E-Mail with Mozilla Thunderbird and TorBirdy
  • Add a proxy behind Tor (Tor -> proxy)
  • Based on Debian GNU/Linux.
  • Based on the Tor anonymity network.
  • Based on Virtual Box.
  • Can torify almost any application.
  • Can torify any operating system
  • Can torify Windows.
  • Chat anonymously.
  • Circumvent Censorship.
  • DNSSEC over Tor ¹
  • Encrypted DNS ¹
  • Full IP/DNS protocol leak protection.
  • Hide the fact that you are using Tor ¹
  • Hide the fact you are using Whonix
  • Isolating Proxy
  • Java anonymously
  • Javascript anonymously
  • Location/IP hidden servers
  • Prevents anyone from learning your IP.
  • Prevents anyone from learning your physical location.
  • Private obfuscated bridges supported.
  • Protects your privacy.
  • Protocol-Leak-Protection and Fingerprinting-Protection
  • Secure And Distributed Time Synchronization Mechanism
  • Security by Isolation
  • Stream isolation to prevent identity correlation through circuit sharing
  • Virtual Machine Images
  • VPN/Tunnel Support
  • Whonix is produced independently from the Tor (r) anonymity software and carries no guarantee from The Tor Project about quality, suitability or anything else.
  • Transparent Proxy
  • Tunnel Freenet through Tor
  • Tunnel i2p through Tor
  • Tunnel JonDonym through Tor
  • Tunnel Proxy through Tor
  • Tunnel Retroshare through Tor
  • Tunnel SSH through Tor
  • Tunnel UDP over Tor ¹
  • Tunnel VPN through Tor
  • Tor enforcement
  • Free Software, Libre Software, Open Source
  • ¹ via Optional Configuration

Whonix 0.4.5
Download README (1.6 kB)
Download other versions from here

1. Download both files.
2. Import them into Virtual Box.
3. Start Whonix-Gateway.
4. Start Whonix-Workstation.

sha512sum Whonix-Gateway.ova 
26d684bf6a6dca66a046ac939e8a71c26bf6c250b5fe4cf99a81063c51d2d6ba37472114ac3f21a2097963caa7773e75000afb776e39bfd2f66226894e2f74e1  Whonix-Gateway.ova

sha512sum Whonix-Workstation.ova 
fff4cf2de5802b604056f52393adedb233d5ad895b23e618a6c5ae1cdd77883362e850143d10b72ebf825281ee53503868320956662df9629c35618cfed60979  Whonix-Workstation.ova

If you login into sourceforge.net you can view this site over SSL.

If you care to GPG verify the hashes, get my GPG public key from multiple sources.

Project homepage and documentation:


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