Monday, September 17, 2012

Fedora Utils - Post installation script for Fedora

Fedora Utils lets you install codecs and additional software, fix problems, tweak and cleanup your system, view system information and much more with just few clicks.

Installing Fedora Utils is as easy as running a single command. To install the latest version of Fedora Utils in your system, just run the following in the Terminal and enter your root password when prompted.

su -c "curl http://master.dl.sourceforge.net/project/fedorautils/fedorautils.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/fedorautils.repo && yum install fedorautils"

Adding the Fedora Utils repo to your system to ensures that Fedora Utils up-to-date and all the new features and bug fixes are delivered to you. If you don't want the repo, you can remove it from the "Help" menu in Fedora Utils.

Fedora Utils saves the downloaded files for so that you can reuse them. It also takes backups before modifying system files for easy recovery. Unlike others, it can perform batch operations too.
Fedora Utils Web Site>>

  • Install codecs and additional software
  • Fix various problems
  • Tweak and cleanup your system
  • View system information
  • And much more...
Changelog 2.1.1 (28-06-2012)
1. Don't reset arguments if not executed as root
2. Added support for multiple arguments
3. Open the browser as logged in user, not root
4. Prefer wget by default
5. Added man page
6. Added a plugin to enable USB modems
Download other files from here

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