Sunday, September 16, 2012

it-center - linux Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) Linux 2.6.35-25 distribution to help IT team

A linux Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) Linux 2.6.35-25 distribution to help IT team: network monitoring, hardware and software inventory, ticketing for onsite support, etc. Nagios Core 3.2.3, NDOUtils, Centreon 2.1.11, Ocs Inventory-ng 1.3.3, Glpi 0.78.2, Nagvis 1.5.8, Icinga 1.0.2, Splunk 4.1.6 - Forced free version. All passwords are set to password.

NOW AVAILABLE dvd-iso-Debian-English: Also a Debian 4.3.5-4 32bit (ch/password) English distribution to help IT team: network monitoring, hardware and software inventory, ticketing for onsite support, etc. Nagios , Centreon 2.2.2 (admin/password), Nagvis 1.5.10 (nagiosadmin/password), Splunk 4.2.3 (forced free version..maximum 500 mb of logging a day), OCS inventory 1.02 (admin/password), GLPI 0.7.24 (glpi/password), Pandora 4.0 rc2 (admin/password).

  • Centreon
  • Nagios Core
  • Ocs Inventory-ng
  • GLPI 0.78.1
  • PhpMyAdmin
  • Webmin
  • Nagvis
  • Icinga
  • Splunk - Forced free version
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