- Made main title and icon smaller to make more room for small displays
- Patched bug calling bubble handler on index.php
- Added new vulnerability: frame source injection
- Added new page: document-viewer.php
- Added document viewer link to HTTP parameter pollution menu and frame source injection menu
- Added document viewer to XSS reflected menu
- Added new page robots-txt.php
- Applied new styles to buttons, inputs, textarea, hints, tutorials, etc.
- Fixed layout issue in credits.php
- Fixed bug in register.php
- opendb.inc and closedb.inc deleted from project
- Imporved code on password generator page
NOWASP (Mutillidae) has been tested/attacked with Cenzic Hailstorm ARC, W3AF, SQLMAP, Samurai WTF, Backtrack, HP Web Inspect, Burp-Suite, NetSparker Community Edition, and oth
Features :
- Mutillidae can be installed on Linux, Windows XP, and Windows 7 using XAMMP making it easy for users who do not want to install or administrate their own webserver.
- Installs easily by dropping project files into the "htdocs" folder of XAMPP.
- Preinstalled on Rapid7 Metasploitable 2
- Preinstalled on Samurai Web Testing Framework (WTF)
- Has dozen of vulnerablities and challenges. Contains at least one vulnearbility for each of the OWASP Top Ten 2007 and 2010
- System can be restored to default with single-click of "Setup" button
- Switches between secure and insecure mode
- Secure and insecure source code for each page stored in the same PHP file for easy comparison
- Used in graduate security courses, in corporate web sec training courses, and as an "assess the assessor" target for vulnerability software
- Contains 2 levels of hints to help users get started
- Instructional Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/webpwnized
- Updates tweeted to @webpwnized
- Mutillidae has been tested/attacked with Cenzic Hailstorm ARC, W3AF, SQLMAP, Samurai WTF, Backtrack, HP Web Inspect, Burp-Suite, NetSparker Community Edition, and other tools
Download : LATEST-mutillidae-2.2.3.zip (7.2 MB)
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