Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sandcat Browser 2.02!

Sandcat Browser is a freeware portable pen-test oriented multi-tabbed web browser with extensions support developed by the Syhunt team, the same creators of the Syhunt Web Application Security Scanner. The Sandcat Browser is built on top of Chromium, the same engine that powers the Google Chrome browser, and uses the Lua language to provide extensions and scripting support.

Sandcat Browser includes the following pen-test oriented features:
  • Live HTTP Headers
  • Request Editor extension
  • Fuzzer extension with multiple modes and support for filters
  • JavaScript Executor extension -- allows you to load and run external JavaScript files
  • Lua Executor extension -- allows you to load and run external Lua scripts
  • Syhunt Gelo
  • Tor extension -- Anonymity for standard browsing and for sending requests
  • HTTP Brute Force, CGI Scanner scripts and more.
Sandcat Browser version 2.02 includes several user interface and experience improvements, an improved extension system, Tor support, RudraScript support and new extensions.
User Interface & Experience Enhancements
  • New windows will now open in new Tabs.
  • Navigation bar now behaves like Firefox's or Opera's.
  • Improved multi-tab support.
  • Improved source tab.
  • Improved Windows 7 compatibility.
  • Added a simple cookie logging extension.
Sandcat Browser Extension Development Kit

The Sandcat Browser Extension Development Kit is now available at this link. It also includes the source of all the Sandcat Browser extensions.
Improved Extension System
  • Fixed: crash when using the Run JavaScript option (when calling the sandcat.browser.log() function).
  • sandcat.browser.log() function replaced by Sandcat.WriteLn() and Sandcat.Write().
Added RudraScript
Syhunt RudraScript allows you to easily execute code in JavaScript, PascalScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby &VBScript from within the browser and the browser extensions. Details about the RudraScript support can be found at this link
Requirement -
  1. 128 MB of memory
  2. 100 MB of free disk space
  3. Windows XP, 2003, 2008, Vista or 7.
  4. As a user of a more recent Windows version you may need to be logged in with full administration rights
Additional Requirements
Lua is a powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. It is heavily used in the game industry and security tools such as Wireshark, Snort, nmap and Sandcat also make use of it.
The language combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, runs by interpreting bytecode for a register-based virtual machine, and has automatic memory management with incremental garbage collection, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping.
More information is available at the official website at http://www.lua.org.

Download -
Syhunt Sandcat Browser Beta version of Sandcat Browser
Download Size: 19.28 MB
Date Published: 07.10.2012 Version: 2.02
License: Freeware for non-commercial use
Runs on Windows XP, 2003, 2008, Vista and 7.

Sandcat Browser 2.02 – sandcat-browser-2.02-beta.zip
Visit Website -
Screenshot -


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