Saturday, October 13, 2012

GetSploits.py - search exploit-db.com database by command line

Name: getsploits.py
Version: 0.9.2
Author: s3my0n

getsploits searches for specific exploits/shellcode/papers (using several search options to narrow down the results) from exploit-db.com and prints descriptions and links to found exploits/shellcode/papers and optionally writes links and descriptions of found results to a file.

Download getsploits_0_9

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[s3my0n@linux getsploits]$ getsploits 
getsploits v0.9.2
  s3my0n RuSH4ck3R[at]gmail[dot]com

  Usage: getsploits.py [OPTIONS] [SEARCH_OPTIONS] description
  Example: getsploits.py -o linux_shellcode.txt --type shellcode --platform linux ""
           getsploits.py -o freebsd_x86-64_local.txt --platform 10 --type 2 ""
           getsploits.py --author maxe vbulletin

  -o: Write results to a file
  -q: Quiet mode
  -h: Show this help screen

  [Search Options]:

    0: any (default)    12: hardware       24: multiple      36: solaris
    1: aix              13: hp-ux          25: netbsd/x86    37: solaris/sparc
    2: asp              14: irix           26: novell        38: solaris/x86
    3: bsd              15: jsp            27: openbsd       39: tru64
    4: bsd/ppc          16: linux          28: openbsd/x86   40: ultrix
    5: bsd/x86          17: linux/amd64    29: os-x/ppc      41: unix
    6: bsdi/x86         18: linux/mips     30: osx           42: unixware
    7: cgi              19: linux/ppc    31: php           43: win32
    8: freebsd          20: linux/sparc    32: plan9         44: win64
    9: freebsd/x86      21: linux/x86      33: qnx           45: windows
   10: freebsd/x86-64   22: linux/x86-64   34: sco           46: arm
   11: generator        23: minix          35: sco/x86       47: cfm
    0: any (default)
    2: local
    5: papers
    3: remote
    4: shellcode
    6: webapps


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