Friday, October 12, 2012

Python Script to update BackTrack5 V 1.5

The purpose of Bt5up is to update/add and bug fix BackTrack 5 tools.

Changelog : V1.5 :
- Added: FernWifi Update
- Added: Dedected Update
- Added: Wifite Update
- Added: BEEF Update
- Added: SQLNinja Update
- Added: FlashPlayer 11 to Fix BT5 Bugs/Customize BT5 Menu
- Added: Now the Additional Tools have there own module, this way I dont need to create a new version of bt5up everytime a new tool is added.
- Added: The new tools are now located in /pentest/bt5up/tools
- Added: Crypter to Additional Tools
- Added: Ghost Phisher to Additional Tools
- Added: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles project to Additional Tools
- Added: MinidWep-GTK to Additional Tools
- Added: The Mole to Additional Tools
- Fixed: Paths from some tools to work with BT5 R3

1. Update and clean Backtrack.
2. Exploit tools.

  •  Metasploit Framework.
  •  Exploit-db.
  •  SET – Social Engineering Toolkit.
  •  Update all.
3. Wireless & Telephony.
  •  Aircrack-ng and Airdrop.
  •  WarVox.
  • WiFite.
  • Dedected.
  • Fern Wifi Cracker
  •  Giskismet.
  •  Update all
4. Web & Database.

  •  W3AF.
  •  Nikto.
  • BeEF
  •  Sqlmap.
  • SQLNinja.
  •  Fimap.
  • JoomScan.
  • WPScan.
  • HexorBase.
 Update all.
5. Others.

  •  Nessus.
  • Wireshark
  •  OpenVAS.
  • Nmap
 Update all.
6. Update All
7. Update Script
8. Changelog
9. Feedback (Gmail)
10. Fix BT5 Bugs/Customize BT5

  • Startx after login
  • Change Login message(motd)
  • Set PulseAudio to autostart
  • Set Wicd autostart
  • Install FlashPlayer 11
11. Additional Tools

  • Nessus
  • Crypter
  • Ghost Phisher
  • TMNT Project
  • MinidWep-GTK
  • The Mole
Download : 

bt5up.tar (31.5 KB)
For more information :


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